In this Post I show all current features of this game:
The player can move in 4 directions with a “WASD”-control and if you combine two letters there are 4 directions more.
He cannot go out of the Liferaft(except down the ladder).
There are currently 2 Items: a Flashlight and Emergency Food.
You can pick it up, by left-clicking on it or drop it by pressing “Q” at the mouse’s position. If you drop an item into the water, it will dissappear.
You also have a small bag on your Liferaft where you can store 16 items (4x4 Slots).
Of course you can interact with those 2 items by pressing “F”.
The Flashlight will build a bright sphere around the player, it will play a
sound for the on/off switch.Emergency Food will give you +20% Food, -0.25%Hydration and
+5%Health and it also plays an “eating-sound”.
There are 5 types of stats: Health, Hunger, Thirst, Stamina and Air.
Health: Currently you only get damage if you’re bitten by a
shark(-20%HP), if you’re starving(if food < 5% —> -0.25%HP every 3.6
secs) and im still working on a lot of more causes for losing health.
It currently only can be refilled by eating emergency food.Hunger: You always get hungry a little bit(-0.05%Food every 2 secs/
when walking -0.2%Food every 2 secs).
It currently only can be refilled by consuming emergency food.Thirst: You always get thirsty a little bit(-0.05%Hydration every 2 secs/
when walking -0.2%Hydration every 2 secs) or if you consume emergency
food you also get a little bit hydration loss(-0.25%Hydration).Stamina: If you’re walking you always lose a little bit amount.
If you’re on 0%Stamina you cannot move anymore and you have to rest.Air: If you’re underwater you always lose a little bit of air but if you’re back
on the surface you can refill it.
There are also on the left side texts, like “drowning”,”starving”…
Soon I will do a menu for this where other problems also can occure, as sicknesses, wounds, etc.
If you’re in the ocean there the game kind of turns into a platformer.
So there now is a small amount of gravity, for the player and for items.
Better don’t drop items or they will sink all the way to the ground ;)
And as I said, you lose air when you’re underwater.
There also is a shark in the water, so better keep an eye at him!
He will attack you at a large range and you will lose a lot of health.
After every bite there is a cooldown for some secs, where he is idle and you can escape.
There currently is a Day/Night-Cycle, but it’s still not very good and I have to fix some problems on it.
There also is a rain cycle (Btw. in the video the rain is speeded up, so it switched very often and fast), when I’m finished with the temperature-system, it will affect coldness and can be reduced by building a cover on the Liferaft(“X”).
So! This is the summary of the current state of this game.
I will do on this Devlog also a poll for a new feature.
In the next Update, there will be a lot of bug fixes and more.
What feature should I add next?