Woah, it's a devlog! Are you crying already? Because I am, I really am. So if yuo se e ay mispells then thas' becsuse of the ters
Development of the mod has been going... well. I've been busy with other stuff due to my incredible ability to get distracted by other stuff, so... if any cops ask you about a man dressed up as a Freddy Fazbear with sunglasses (fucking idiots don't know Freddy Fuckboy), you're gonna be a good little fella and say no, alright?
Now don't worry, I'll eventually get back to work on this game. It literally is almost always on my mind, expect when it isn't. But that's, like, never. It's really a matter of time before I'm led back into this project.
But now, I'll just show some of the dumb shit I've been working on adding/have added.
[Extra Characters]

That's right, this mod's going to get FOUR extra characters before even getting it's first update! Don't tell IIW 2, it might get jealous. Now, 90's B.B. and Vile being extra characters isn't exactly a surprise since one of the screenshots in the page pretty much already shows those two idiots, so...
I am happy to announce that today, things will change forever. For thousands of years people have been asking for one thing and one thing only: "HOW DO SHATTERED FREDDY AND HEADLESS BONNIE". Their voices can still be heard, echoing through any FNaFb games comment section. You can't see any of them, but you can hear them crystal clear.
Which is why, I'm happy to announce:

Okay, that was a lie. I'm not really happy to announce this at all. In fact Iam violety cryng rit nw, but that's okay. No one's perfect.
Moving on...
[Switches & Orbs]

Did you know that this game has customization? Of course you didn't. I didn't either, what the hell is this?
So far there are six Customization Switches (3 Returning, 3 New) and ten Customization Orbs (4 Returning, 6 New). More will obviously be added in the future, and most of them will most definitely be new ones. You know, unless I accidentally end up adding a Customization Orb that was in IIW 2 that I just happened to completely forgot about. But that's pretty much impossible, my memory's impeccable.
What the hell is a Customizer?
I'll just list off all the current Customization Switches & Orbs since I'm sleepy and weak and pathetic and
[] = Old
{} = New
(Customization Switches)
[Custom Party] = Lets you set what characters you will be getting during your playthrough.
[Party Randomization] = Every party member is randomized with another, who knows who you'll get!
{Class Randomization} = Randomizes the class each available character will use.
{Enemy Randomization} = Randomizes each enemy with another, who knows who you'll end up fighting.
{Shop Randomization} = Randomizes the location of each BB shop.
[Permadeath Mode] = When a party member dies, they disappear forever. Extra Lifes can be added to make it more fair.
(Customization Orbs)
{Office Dwellers} = Lets you set the boss in the Office (Golden Freddy or Mangle). By default it's set to random chance.
[Vending Machine Unlock] = Can make the Vending Machine be unlocked without having to interact with the bottle.
[Party Restore] = Party Restore makes your party be completely restored after any boss fight.
[Wavedash] = Allows you to do a "wavedash".
{Thrifty Pretzels Time Limit] = Lets you change how much time it takes before the chest in East Hall Corner becomes empty.
[Puppet Camera Amount] = Changes how many cameras are required before the Puppet activates.
{Camera Reinforcement} = Makes the cameras have two Party Hat allies.
{BB's Influence} = Lets you make BB's Influence have more effects or simply not be active at all.
{Kingly Drops} = Changes if the enemies, the Toys, or the Puppet give you the Kingly weapons.
{Godly Drops} = Changes if the enemis drop Godlys or if you have Godly weapons during the Interior Walls.
[Character Changes]
The last thing I'm going to be including in this devlog is all of the characters and their incredible passives. These passives took a lot of thought and effort. Like, so much thought and effort people have began calling me Albert Einstein.

Alright, that's it.
Remember to eat your tires and smoke your bedsheets <3.