Probably Finalized Game Progression
When the game was first conceptualized, it was going to be custom night focused. A little while later, it was changed into playing nights of varying difficulty instead of 1-5 progression.
Now, the idea for the game is probably finalized, and I am going with nights of various difficulty. For a more specific way of how this works, upon clicking Play, a sub-menu will be brought up where you scroll left and right. Upon completing the tutorial night, you unlock multiple normal difficulty nights. You can play these in any order. After beating all normal nights, you unlock multiple hard nights, and then this goes on as such with characters and mechanics introduced along the way. After beating every night, you unlock the custom night option.
Changes may be made to how the unlocked nights work, but should be a fun way of doing the nights for the game regardless, so you can choose whichever night you want to do first!
Character Dynamics
This game isn't just throwing in references from the web series, it's also attempting to bring in their personalities and relationships as well. For some characters, this will actually effect their AI.
For example, in the series Chee has a crush on Cofi. Chee will not come across Cofi in her usual path. Sometimes, however, she will take a detour and they will visit each other. This will distract Chee and pause Cofi's attack timer, making it so you don't need to worry about them for a short time. Their actual mechanics will be seen in the full game.
What effect each dynamic has will be different. Some may hinder, some may help, some of them will be cosmetic. Trying to put as much effort into making this as much of a thoughtful and fun love letter to Chikn Nuggit as I can, and hopefully stuff like this is a good step!
Character Reveal
Like I said, the Shop contains unlockable characters (who are required for certain nights). There will be a constant way to earn currency so you will always be able to unlock them.
There will be a couple of them, and there's not too many Chikn Nuggit characters out there so you can probably guess who they are if you know the series well, but I would like to reveal one now for you guys!
So, here they are!
...wait... NO! NOT HIM!
(i actually like him alot so... yes! yes him!)
Gameplay GIF
Right now I am working on a bunch of character assets, so gameplay currently only contains Chikn with an unfinished AI. But, what the heck, here's a GIF of a little bit of Gameplay for you.
(the Sody Pop ticker thing on the wall will not be there by default anymore and will be added to the Shop)
End of Devlog
That just about wraps it up! I am hard at work on this game right now, and am very excited to show you guys more, and of course, actually have you all play it! I am also obviously still working on other games like White Rabbit, so check 'em out too.
Oh and, sidenote, I've removed one of the Menu themes because I wasn't proud of it, so the final menu theme will be the chill one (because I LOVE it).
Anyways, thanks for reading!