[Zynro's & Doorknob's Dusttrust] Sans fight.

2 years ago

Devlog 2. (Zynro's Dusttrust Anniversary)

It's been a while since an actual devlog.

Sorry for the big wait. But i'll address important things right away.

  • The Game

Being completely honest with everyone, ever since I made the post when we we're hiring programmers we we're switching game engines back and forward, from gdev to CTF and from CTF to gamemaker and now were at complete zero.

All previous coders have been demoted and some left. We had a bit of game done from there and there but it wasn't much.

CTF progress:


Gdev progress:


Gamemaker progress was made in a team VC so screenshot's aren't gonna appear.

  • The Take Itself

It was rebooted last year ever since cornered III released, we redid the writing for basically everything. (You fight sans at the barrier

With adding the encounters to expand upon the game and showing Sans' slowly fading to insanity


Also the majority of the artwork provided for the game is nearby completion.


There's a lot done, expect for the game progress which will take a while. We had expectations last year that we could launch the trailer on Youtube to show you all what we got in store. Sadly, the reality has a cruel sense of humor and we haven't got much progress and I apologize.

  • Still Looking For Help

We're gonna debate if were gonna come back to either:

CTF, Gdev or Gamemaker

If you know any of one of these game engines, please contact me on discord zynro#0840

See you on the next post.




Next up

fuzzy blasters

eh who am i kidding

here have some food

our first build reveal!

any questions will be answered on this specific post below

Devlog 3 when?

..dunno yet, but i'd like to show u guys some new art for the gamejolt page!

First and second one by Segoe, Pocky made some improvements to the second one.

did you guys like kitchen crews dustbelief video? i did

i contributed some concept art for the poses lol

5 minutes of work im not joking LOL

oh yeah i did the bases for the overworld sprites too so theres that

Devlog 1.

thanks for following a dead game lol

its christmas!

I have added rewards for quests so that villagers can give you something in return for your hard work helping them. šŸ„³

I want to know - what's your favourite quest reward?