What’s new?
Removed the laser
What’s probably more accurate is, whats gone, which is lasers, which you should have noticed from the subtitle. I have have removed the lazer powerup.
As sad as I am to remove it, balancing wise, it was basically pointless. It acted the same as the rapid fire power up, yet less powerfull, and with none of that sweet juice.
So I removed it to make the game better.

New levels
As you can probably tell by the title, I’ve designed and made a large amount of new levels. And probably all of them. I may make up to another 12ish if I have time.

What next?
So on that footnote, all the content in the game has been created, all that is left to do is balancing and polish.
So we’re in BETA babyyyyyyyyyy
Usually beta should me much longer than this once is planned to be, compared to the alpha.
Luckily, because of my new development plan, we are actually slightly ahead of the target of April.