(OLD) JOLLY: The Grand Finale

2 years ago

Devlog (3/9/22)

Hey guys, Jay here. Here's some more info I'm gonna reveal for the Grand Finale, as well as another thing I am working on.

'The Grand Finale' news

First off, here's something I'm gonna confess.

The Grand Finale is gonna be five small games that all go under this title, as in all five parts/chapters are their own separate games that run in the same engine.

When the chapters do come out, I highly recommend playing them in order to get a proper story experience.

And yes, all five chapters will release at the same time, and not separately.

Here are some teasers above for each of the five chapters

Another thing I am working on

Okay, so since Jolly Horrors' 2nd anniversary date (October 13th) is getting closer and closer to happening, I am announcing that I will be working on a special version of Project J-0114 for that occasion after TGF.

Characters like Wendy, Crimson, Jobillipod or Pinag will not appear in this version of the game, since I want the 2nd anniversary version of the game to have this original Jolly feel to it, as in it basically being you facing off against the original JOLLY characters in the J-0114 location.

To make up for the loss of characters, the remaining characters will activate earlier than intended and be harder, and there will be only 3 nights instead of 5. The nights themselves will also be shorter as well.

The game will essentially just be a send-off, acting as one final goodbye to the original JOLLY Horrors series.

That's all for now. Stay tuned for more.

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EighthSea's 2024 Q/A!

Happy April Fools Day!

Happy 3rd Anniversary, Apiphobia

A trailer for the game will be released on July 31st, which is on my 20th birthday.

The game itself will still be considered my 20th birthday special even if it has a very belated release.

I think somebody's feeling a little freddy today!

Project J-0114: 2nd Anniversary's 2nd Anniversary

(Happy 4th Anniversary)

Devlog (11/9/22)

Devlog (1/10/24)

Row 1 is almost done.

Here's a gameplay screenshot featuring a new place the player can go to, the attic.

Happy 2nd Anniversary, GEORGE: Tiger Eye!