I added the first enemy to the game. It doesn’t do any damage to the player yet, but the AI - or lack of it - is already ready. Yes, those things will just randomly wander to random directions and do minimal damage. They are meant to be killed, meant to be used farming health and experience orbs.
The upcoming enemies, as seen in this picture (all the sprites are ready):

will do more damage and have better AI. Near the room that leads to the final battle there’ll be every kind of enemies, i.e. all five (there’ll be only five kind of enemies), but near the starting point only those “walkers” and “pirate flies”.
In the second round, there’ll be a more dangerous versions of all the enemies. More info about the second round later.
Some notes on the gif:
Like mentioned, the player cannot take damage from enemies, yet
In future, magic explosions will also hurt the player
The magic bottle that restores magic was added since the previous update
Now the player automatically gains a little magic
The stat levels will affect the player speed and damage output
The spinning attack does not do damage correctly yet
In the next update, I’ll introduce more enemies, maybe all four remaining ones!
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