Hellowo our game's lovely followers and people who are new here!
Today we introducing you... DEVLOG №3, the special one on 666 number, WOW.
We kinga got a lot to tell that time so enjoy!!!
Today's plan is:
News about our little team;
Some news about logo and menu;
Spoiler of Intro;
Overworld showcase;
Some progress on battle;
Phase 1 theme!?;
DREAD BONES update news!!!;
News about our phase 2!;
And some intresting news about Swap!Dustbelief and Fell!Dustbelief.
|Team news|
Some new team members and some left ofc.
I guess that happens in every team so yeah:
BlairTAN - beauty voiced singer who made vocals for MASOCHISM now officialy in our team;
FoundSylveo - got back in team, wait, he once left it? Right, for some personal reasons he needed to do that, but now he's back so you will hear his also beauty voice in some upcomming tracks;
oRang3 - one great arist joined us as well, we hope you will love his work here;
Xeron - and one another realy cool artist joined us for some additional help with beauty drawings.
Epic_Gamer011 - for some reasons after they got hacked they decided not to get in team back;
TimTwist - also left due not to be helpful much, unfortunaly;
Lillie - left us due not to be much intrested in project;
Spice individual - unknown reason.
And some more news about co-ownership!?:
Yeah, from now on Reniaszka(Rea) is not co-owner of Murderer Path due not to be active enough as co-owner...
We still have 2 co-owners tho, @hentaienjoyer is now the second co-owner of that project!
The project description was slightly changed, thanks vIgnitio for helping with that!
|New logo and menu spoiler|

Well yeah, we updated our game's logo once again!
Now its more simple but that makes it only better, really.
Oh also full project's name is now "Dusttale: Disbelief Murderer Path" but we still ok if you will call it just "Murderer Path" or "Disbelief: Murderer Path".
And about menu:
We still kinda can't make the design so we will slightly spoiler it now, hopefully soon you will see a full one!

Thanks Sotwound for helping with making sprite on the second picture(originaly made by apricoska).
And well its all we wanted to show you related to logo and menu.
|Intro Spoler|
The intro is fully finished: track, sprites, text, code, everything here is fully done.
For now we will only spoiler it cause... no reason, we just want to make you more intrested in stuff by only spoilering it!
But no worries, we will soon show you old intro sprites we got like a year ago.

|Overworld showcase|
And well about overworld...
I made all the characters sprites but animations were made by Lioffline.
Lioffline doing GREAT job on making tilesets for overworld, and we even can say that its almost done! well for the main part...
We decided to make full Core overworld and probably more! With cool secrets and puzzles!?
But for now you will see only one room out of it + how the overworld engine by @hentaienjoyer works.
And again... Enjoy!

|Battle progress|
Ofc we could not left third devlog without some of the battle progress.
The first phase 1 attack was already shown on our team's Discord server but not here and the visuals kinda got updated, so here it is guyzz:

You already thought that we will show only one gif here aswell?
Get some more:

Ofc these is not final look of these attacks, they got a bit more. But we will show em only with second Papyrus' pose sprite(or a bit later than it)
Thats all for battle thinges, ya all will get more and better in future for sure!!!
|Phase one theme|
As one person said... We kinda going backwards with these
and now its the first phase track!!!
Well, for sure that is not the only phase 1 we will get but as for main one here:

Theme composed by @Krajoz and finished with final composing with mixing by @MegaloDapper
They made a great job in making it, especially the ending, its sound incredibly beautiful... not long one but still fitting great.
Not going away from musical theme.
We got some news about phase 3's track DREAD BONES update!
Its almost done and its sound divinely super duper great!
MegaloDapper doing really something COOL.
He is doing some finalasings with mix and... well it will get also some cool vocals so he is still kinda waiting for em.
Hopefully we will get DREAD BONES released that year!
|Phase 2 news|
Phase 2 progress is going slow but still really well and good.
We already starded preparing for making it code wise
Sprites are almost finished tho, we still need to make some animatons for some parts and stuff but here i show you one another pose Papyrus has in it +unused one:

Well yeah, its pretty similar to the first pose but still hey! there is Papyrus with his cowboy hat!!!
Oh and about one old unused pose...well, we thought its too dynamic for Papyrus so we decided not to use it (if ya all want I can share spritesheet of it one day).
|Swap!Dustbelief and Fell!Dustbelief|

And well from now on Swap!Dustbelief and Fell!Dustbelief have a bit diffrent names: "SwapDust: Disbelief" and "FellDust: Disbelief". You still can call em "Swapdustbelief" and "Felldustbelief". Names were changed for making them more sounding better and logical in terms of AUs mixing.
oh and
They are now on their own, they are not going to be part of Murderer Path, they will have their own games, own stories.(they are still part of Team Spiderweb lore tho)
Soon we will create gamepages for them!
And thats all for our devlog №3
We are trying our best on making that game so we hope you liked our todays devlog.
You will get more news in future! Stay tuned, people!!!
#undertale #dustbelief #underswap #underfell #disbelief #gamedev #undertaleau #papyrus #swapdustbelief #felldustbelief #sans