Masters of Anghoul

1 year ago

Devlog 4.5

Here's a couple of models we've produced over the week! What are your thoughts?

#rpg #adventure #action #dungeoncrawler #fantasy



Next up

Devlog 7 - Models and Level Building

How do you guys like the level/scene design so far?

#rpg #dungeoncrawl #dungeoncrawler #action #adventure

Devlog 12 - Shop, Blacksmith, Inventory Update!

#rpg #dungeoncrawl #dungeoncrawler #action #adventure

Devlog 8 - AI Advancement and Map Progression

#rpg #dungeoncrawl #dungeoncrawler #action #adventure

Devlog 13 - Anghoul Overhaul, New Building, New Weapons

#rpg #dungeoncrawl #dungeoncrawler #action #adventure

We began experimenting with new texture and model techniques! What do you guys think?

Devlog 11 - Quality of life, New Mobs, Refined Systems

#rpg #dungeoncrawl #dungeoncrawler #action #adventure

Been working lately on lots of 'behind-the-scenes' boring stuff that no one really cares about, so here’s a guy playing the sax for some reason.


What do you think guys in my robot?Just a beginner in 3d modeling..

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