A lot of progress has been made since the last devlog. I've replaced the placeholder title screens for Moya and Niko's minigames, which are pictured above. I've also replaced the placeholder enemies in Niko's minigame.
Niko's Minigame
I'm proud to announce the first enemy type in Niko's minigame, which I have named the Walresque, after their walrus-esque tusks. They will chase down the player and will stop to bite them if they get close enough.
Another new addition to Niko's minigame is the new weapon, named the BPG6000, which stands for Big Phoque-ing Gun 6000, with the 6000 being a reference to this meme:

Despite its name, it is just three chainguns glued together.
Moya's Minigame
Moya's minigame has a new map, which is based off of Yuki's Fish-a-palooza Fishtorium Fishery III from the first game.
Another helpful addition is the minimap, which allows you to see where you and the other racers are located.
Here's a video of me playing through the new map, and actually being able to play it well:
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