It's been 6 months since the last devlog (wow!), and a lot has changed since then!
To start things off, I want to say thank you for all of the support I've received recently, I want to also thank all of the content creators who have promoted my game by playing it and uploading it on their channels! Yes, I’ve see all of your videos lol.
But I also wanna say that the game's development will be a tad bit slower for the next couple of months because I'm saving up for college, and my own car, yipee! Remember that I am the only person working on this game!!
Now onto actual game related stuff!
Starting off with the game's color scheme!
I've recently ran a poll asking everyone which color scheme they liked more, the old greenish yellow color, or blue.
While I was rendering the entrance, I thought that the lighting looked a bit off, but when I changed it to blue, it made the image I was hoping to create, absolutely perfect!

Only thing, is that every other environment I previously worked on had the old yellow-ish green-ish look to it, which I really really liked. But, I thought that it would be weird to have one blue image thrown in with the already dirty green color scheme I already had going on.
So I ran a poll! And a majority of the votes agreed that the blue color scheme was better, so I went in and redid the lighting for the rest of the environments I had already made. And I gotta say, the blue definitely grew on me as I kept changing different parts of the map.

Including the office!
Office Ver.1

Office Ver.2

Office Ver.3!! With some updated materials too

As I'm getting ready to finalize this devlog and post it, I have modeled 6 out of at least 15 different locations within the pizza palace! So almost halfway through!
I'm having a complete blast while making these different rooms and have even gotten way better and faster at modeling them! I'll try to showcase them as I go!
I started working on the camera system and reworked the hallway feature, where the player leaves the office to tend to something unfortunate in the hallway outside of the office! As I create more and more environments of the Pizza Palace, the mechanic will be more and more thoroughly explained. But as of right now, the 3D modeling for the game is about 40% complete, the 2D art is about 10% complete 💀, the coding is not even 20% complete, and the sound design isn't even 1% complete 💀😭.
But, trust me when I say that the game’s development, and what I wanted to get complete in the past couple of months got done wayyy faster than I anticipated.
What I’m planning on finishing up next is all of the Pizza Palace’s environments, all of the party rooms, office(s), etc, and the free roam aspect that was explored in the game’s demo. And to finally announce that big secret I’ve been keeping from you for months now.
Last but not least! Here's some extra screenshots of the game that I've recently worked on! Remember that these are subject to change as development goes on since I'm still in the very early age of development!
Opening cutscene (which I will post a video of soon!)

Main menu! (still working on it actually)

The map! (might change it idk yet)

This super sick Freddy render I made! (cardboard cutout)

Also, here's some unused content!
Old options screen! (now temporarily the gamejolt page's thumbnail)

Old warning screen

Now about the really really big secret that I still refuse to talk about yet cause it keeps getting pushed back further and further, I'm so sorry about that :(
I decided that I wanted to make it its own devlog, so I already typed it out, I just have to add content to it so it's not just a bunch of words...
Now onto the game's release date. So far, my plan is to have the game at least fully complete by 2026, voice acting, audio, music, everything, if you want to include the play-testing and optimization, I'm looking at a mid to late 2026 release date.
Thank you all once again for supporting my game! I really appreciate every single follow I receive, as it really motivates me to keep working on this huge project. We just reached 700 followers thanks to whoever promoted my post on the official FNaF community!!! Whoever did that I love you!
Okay! Cya! ♡