Five Nights at The AGK Studio 5: Updated Edition

3 months ago

Devlog #7 - Oh hey, the game is not dead!!!!!

It's been a while, huh? A lot of things have happened (like 4R's release.)

Sometime after the last post my motivation for this game was at an all-time low and I started thinking maybe it wasn't worth my time or my effort anymore (or that maybe it never was.)

I thought about silently cancelling it multiple times.

But then I realized I wouldn't want people to remember this game just for 1.0, so I think I have defeated my inner demons.


Onto better news, I'm finally done with revising and optimizing the code of the entire game (minus the custom night since it's unfinished). I've also gone ahead and added most of the new easter eggs, cool effects and other miscellaneous stuff for the menus and the gameplay.

Look at this!!!!!! (remind me to never use ezgif ever again lol)


Not only that, but as you can see in the image above, the first of the new characters, Nightmare Harold, has been coded.

He works in tandem with Leonard, and he's meant to test your reaction time alongside forcing you to be more careful when going into the closet.

I'm gonna be honest, gameplay-wise he's a complete pushover and it's very likely you'll never get killed by him. But it was either that or not having a Harold at all.

Thankfully Leopold will be a much bigger threat, probably around the same level of importance as Jena and Neila.

Same goes for Jake's new mechanic (he'll be the last character coded btw)

Right now I'd say the update is 50% done, so it's halfway through.

Here's everything that's left:

- Coding Leopold

- Jake's rework

- The brought back scrapped mechanic

- The Custom Night challenges (these will take the longest for sure)

- Gameplay balancing (will be done once everything else has been added)

- The new max-mode cutscene (I'll probably rewrite the others a little bit too)

- A few easter eggs

- The overhaul for the Hats minigame

- Hard mode's replacement

- And the Cheats

The Night 6 rework will almost definitely have to be scrapped. Which really sucks, but it is what it is, I guess.

Well, that is all for today's post. See you once Leopold has been coded (I'm guessing next week, he shouldn't be too hard)

Oh btw (4R spoilers below):

Can we talk about how brutal Daisy's death was in the final cutscene??? My child did NOT deserve that



Next up

- Night 6 has been finished, and so have the minigames -

- Patch 2.0.2 - (Welp, that didn't last long )

Patch 2.0.3 + regarding the lag


Patch 2.0.5, dedicated to Night 6

(EDIT: it's now)

Rat Race Production Update

- Patch 2.0.1 - (the first one of... hopefully not many)

New Custom Night Screen + a general update on things


Happy 10th Anniversary of TRTF2!

FINAL DEVLOG - The Custom Night challenges are all done!

+ Release Date announcement coming tomorrow