This Devlog is mostly about the OST, and sprites,
I really have to work my ass off on this game, because if I don't, I will never get anywhere.
I would really like help with music, if anyone would like to help tell me.
The sprites, I have plenty of help, so that's going well.
I really need FL, but I can't, my labtop won't let me, and all my music is going to suck, and it already does.
We really need to focus on asgore, hes a major part of this game.
The Soul Traits Ideas

Justice - Appears when you fight Perry The Peddler (he is normally a shop keeper that sells stuff, which is what he is in game, but when he is told to fight you, he will.) - Normal Undertale justice soul.
The name Mr. Muffin sucks lmao.
I will finish the other souls when
So this is the end of the devlog lol.