Day 0: Hi there! just a “few” lines to explain this doc. This is a text file to save all the logs of the development of my game. But I should present myself. I’m a game developer, I just graduated from my school and I now have a shiny piece of paper that says I’m a Game designer & developer. Great right? Not really… Even though I spent 2 years as a serious game developer and did a lot of game projects, I still don’t know jack shit. As I now have some time and a bit of money, I decided to take one year to make a game from start to finnish. This has two main purpose:
Learn: Each game I made taught me a LOT of things. Doing this project will allow me to see all the aspect of game development. Especially the last 10%. I’ll do everything I can to squeeze the most knowledge out of this experience.
Have a proof of what I can do: The main big problem that I have now is my portfolio. I have absolutely no shipped game. School and personal projects were never finished. Work projects were mostly made to be prototypes (and are proprietary too). I hope that having a finished complete game will make me stand among the mass of people trying to get into the industry (for junior positions).
See what I can do: I’m curious of what I can achieve with 1 year of development. I never spent that much time on a project. And I never did a game of this scale (see point 2) alone. Will it be a great game? A disaster which no one would want to play? A mutant duck with chainsaws? I have no idea (though it probably won’t be a duck).
This means that this project differs from the traditional goals of a typical indie game:
This is not meant to make money
This is not meant to be perfect
I will not spent all my time doing PR/Marketing
I will not have the constraints and pressure induced by the three previous points
But obviously I’ll still have to struggle with the time and money constraints. As well as the crucial need to make a game as good as possible. It wouldn’t be fun otherwise ;)
Okay, now that I already exploded my quota of “few lines”, I’ll explain why I’m doing this log. Basically each day I’ll write what I did. This can serve many purpose:
Using peer pressure as a fuel to do something each day. Even though probably nobody will read that, but shhhh.
Remember what I did. As the tasks piles up it’s surprisingly easy to forget.
Have a small reward at the end of the day.
Doing some PR. I don’t really believe it’ll work but hey, at least I’m doing something.
Help others. Again I’m really not sure about that. But I’ll post every day the basics of a game dev’s life. With all the resources, documentation, problems, solutions etc… there must be something worth reading. Plus I’ll try my best to be funny so that it’s not a pain to read.