Five Nights at Jebediah's: Reimagined
4 days ago

Devlog stuff

So yeah Unfortunately the Coffee drinking mechanic won't be in the game. But I will make sure to add other new minor mechanics like this. Maybe could add a Small warning sound for when this happens. A hint to another mechanic that requires the reset camera function



Next up

Just Improving the look of the Reset camera function. Some feedback would be helpful!

So yeah Obviously this will be for a "8-bit" Minigame. And yes. It's also WIP too

Some memes found on r/kspmemes that used an image of my TNC kerbal model

Cold Memories | The Fazbear Facility - Teaser

TNC Freddy Model next to FNaJ: Reimagined Jebediah

HI HI HI back from the dead!! And good news? A BRAND NEW RENDER FOR YOU ALL TO ENJOY!

So yeah. Unfortunately wasn't really motivated today so did not develop shit today.


My Birthday + Final Release
