Hi howdy hey!
I've returned once more to bring news new... no, sorry, that's definitely new news, on the game you know all about, ASTRASTONE. To put things short, progress is nice! I've got two rooms 50% done for the actual game, and one testing room where I am currently developing the core gameplay features.
"Core Features" include but very well may not be limited to:
Walking around...
Not walking around!
Talking to things!
Selecting things to talk about more things! (Wow!)
Not talking to things!
Quite an invigorating list, if you ask me!
Potential battle interface concept!

You open FIGHT in order to, well... fight. FIGHTing does not only include attacking, however, it is just stuff that furthers the battle.
You open SNACK in order to heal or boost stats.
You open MISC to do things that don't fall under those categories, such as FLIGHT (Fleeing).
The green bar under your name is your HEALTH, followed by the blue bar, which is your WILLPOWER. WILLPOWER does not serve only as a "Magic Points" system, but has other negative side effects if it drops too low.
The info box displays info on whatever you're selecting, whether it be an option, sub-option, or the character you're selecting.
With the battle stuff out of the way, take some progress on the very totally exciting and overwhelmingly joy-sparking test room! (FT. TestDummy, TestDumina, & TestDumJr)

(Trash can sprites by @SteelmaticDragon )
Yeah! Progress! No more progress on the full game is going to be made until I finish the entirety of the rest of the engine(s), so for now, it's back to work I go! Before I do, here's a quick overview of all the general progress I've made!
Overworld Movement - 100%
Overworld Textbox - 40%
Interacting - 75%
Battle Engine - 0%
Spritework - I'm not estimating this lmao%
Music - Don't count on it anytime soon%
Well! With all that out of the way, it's time for me to thank you for reading! Thanks!
Please, do have a good day!