Hello everyone. Sorry for not being online so long time. Site just stopped working on all of my gadgets, and I can only get notifications about new followers/comments and sometimes go online by client that totally can’t load images. I’m sorry for that.
I have some problems in my life, so I can’t motivate myself enough to develop a masterpiece, but OWaF is still WIP. This week I will have holidays, so I’ll try my best to finish what I have started.
Also, I wanted to release a little game on April Fools day, but then I realised, that it doesn’t even feel like anything related to ONaF. You can download it here: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0Bw48H6dtkC7edXZGWnhzZzJWZ1E.
Also, some development news:
Beaver is fully finished.
I resized the game to 1280x720 resolution.
I’m sorry if I disappointed you, but that’s how it works.