One Week at Flumpty's Fan-Made

3 months ago

The long awaited actually big devlog + NEW PLAYABLE THING

Hello everyone! It's been a while since the last update

Well, that's the problem of working on things we can't show yet, but recently enough stuff has piled up that we can show, so here we are

Many people, including myself and others on the team, have voiced concerns that the cameras in our game looked pretty bad compared to the ones from original demo, so we decided to give the game a nice graphical overhaul (didn't take much time too, it all happend in the last couple weeks)

Basically all the cameras were redrawn from scratch, some new props and features were added, and we also worked extensively on the animations to make sure they exceed any possible expectation

Here are some comparisons

Camera 1 Before/After


Camera 2 Before/After


Camera 10 Before/After


We redesigned all the cameras this way, and I made a nice little game to show it

I present to you:

OWaF Before/After


This is basically an interactive devlog, a compilation of all the cameras the game has that lets you switch between versions in real time.

It even lets you zoom in if you want to see every small detail.

There are also some puzzles for you to solve.

Don't expect anything extraordinary in terms of gameplay though, its main purpose is to show off the new visuals

It is available for download right now, check the game's page

I'd love to share more with you, but I really don't wanna spoil anything

I can give some basic progress report though:

For all who's worried about Night 4, let's say that it's pretty much done, and has been so for a very long time already. Our main focus right now is on Night 5 and everything that comes after it

Hopefully, soon enough you will see our vision fully realized, and I will definitely share more things in the near future, but for now that is everything I have to say

Take care and see you soon




Next up

Sorry to disappoint you guys, but here's this


I usually post small development updates on the game's Discord server, but since not everyone is there, I'll post this here

Rat Race Production Update

Just gonna drop this here so you know the game is not dead. More news later today or tomorrow.

Hello Gamejolt people! I'd like you to notify that the game is still kicking And not only that, but we also got a new team member: Grassdie He is most famous for his ONaF animations, but if you haven't heard of him, check this out:

''Could someone be at my window?''

New Teaser!