Stability lost but still an existing motivation don't worry.
It is with a broken heart that I see my cat leave forever.
Grisette, bon voyage, I have always loved you, I raised you like my own child, I took care of you when needed, I watched over you when needed, I pampered you, adored you , cuddled, but now you're no longer with us, it breaks my heart a lot, you left much too early, but unfortunately that's life, reality always catches up with us and it hurts us badly.
Even though it hurt me badly, I know I have to hold on, I can't let go of everything like this, that would dishonor you, so I'm going to live on with a memory of you Grisette in our hearts.

And is the development of the game moving forward even with this situation ?
Although it touched me a lot this situation I did not lose my motivation to develop the game, it even made me stronger, I would finish this game, even if it takes me a lot of time !
The game is progressing fast, I put all my free time on it, even if it interferes with my life, that's okay, I promised to finish the game I would.
In addition to my overwhelming motivation, I am looking for people who know how to do modeling, why?
Because I develop the game on my own, my biggest weakness is modeling, I have almost no skills in this area.
So anyone wanting to participate in the project please join the game discord and contact me directly on it, if you are motivated to work with us, we will be very pleasantly there to welcome you.
Your participation will of course be rewarded, we are still thinking about it, but we will see what we will organize, this participation can lead to entering such a game development project so do not miss this door !
Discord :
ps: we are not only looking for modifiers.
Will there be an easter egg ?
Yes, considering what just happened in our life, yes.