
5 years ago

Discover ScourgeBringer major update including a whole new world, new items, skills, monsters, bosses & more. Don't miss it!

Hello Fated Ones!

The Living Walls update has now been released and we’re so pleased to see how you enjoy it.

Discover our new trailer:

Wishlist the game on Steam:

💞 We’ve been looking through the community feedback and applying changes where it has been both feasible and inline with our own vision of the game. We’re truly humbled by the amount of people who interact with ScourgeBringer on a day-to-day basis. We wouldn’t be here without the players support and we’re really thankful we get tons of feedback throughout our journey! 💞

Okay, but enough of the cute stuff. Let’s get into the UPDATE! 😈

This update contains a whole new world, The Living Walls. Yes, we’re like those movies who put their title in the film script. We’ve also included 5 new Blessings and 4 new Skills. We’re looking forward to your feedback on all these elements!

To all our achievement hunters, we also have 6 new Achievements! Who will be our world-first, we wonder? 🧐

For those who are curious, here is the full changelog:



- Added a new Realm, The Living Walls


- Gyroscopic Compass: When standing still, BLAST.32 will point toward the next Guardian, or toward the Judge if the Guardians have been taken down

- Concussion: Smashed enemies are stunned for 50% longer if they hit a wall or another enemy while being stunned

- Dragon Punch: Allows to combine the Smash and Dash attacks together to perform the most savage counter attack (has a cooldown)

- Extreme Torque: The more an enemy has been rapidly hit by slashes, the more a Smash will be powerful on it


- The hot stuff: Slows down incoming bullets as long as the player is standing still

- Instant gift: Gives an amount of skill points equals to 10% of the skill points spent

- Quality looter: dropped items have 20% chance to be their upgraded equivalent

- Threat Dampener: enemies have 25% less HP (10% less for bosses)

- Generous Altar: subsequent altars will yeild 4 blessings


- Players will now randomly find computers from the Old World throughout the ScourgeBringer which will drop lore information (and a certain NPC will help out to archive and gather them)

- A bestiary is now accessible from the Tree after finding a specific item

- Garo has more things to tell depending on the context


- Blood Altars now show on the map with a "!" mark if no Blood Blessing has been picked yet

- Fury now has a proper visual and audio cue to highlight when it gets ready

- Enemies will now bleed as they lose HP to give an hing toward their remaining strength


- Added 6 new achievements



- Lethal Club: smashing bullets now also slightly recharges BLAST.32


- Replaying introduction now defaults to "never" (which should avoid the intro from replaying after a crash and making you think that your save has been wiped)


- Smashed bullets are now tinted and have a particle trail

- Exploding enemies will no more be targeted by the aim assist

- Stagnant fumes have been redesigned to stop emitting once a room is clear

- It is no more possible to do a Smash+Dash without the proper skill (it was never intended and the actual Smash damages were not dealt throughout the Dash anyway, it was just a visual illusion)

- Remade the item drop rate logic to be more parametrable and reliable

- Fury recharge items will no more drop if the player already has the Fury fully recharged

- Bosses have been tweaked to start being vulnerable once their health bar has finishing appearing (instead of being something more fuzzy)


Fixes Floor is lava achievement

Fixes going out of bound when dashing down through a door with game speed about 100%

Fixes some edge cases with laser collisions hitting even when obviously out of range

Fixes grounded enemies getting detached from the ground if hit by smashed bullets from a lower angle

Fixes free software licences in the credits

Fixes a crash when entering a new room

Fixes various typos throughout all languages

We will still continue to collect and consider feedback throughout our journey over on our Discord. Feel free to come by and say hello!

Cheers and enjoy,



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