Lo, praise of prowess of peoples-developers
of long-penciled artists, in days short slow
in midnight flows golden drink,
for speaketh the dev late in his hour
forsake me! You bugs, heir of death
stand not still, stay not silent.
Hear the song loud, a choir sings
spaghetti brought laying gold alike
to victory.

They always say that ‘third times the charm’, which I assume means that the third attempt at any endeavor has increased chances to succeed. Well, we are sending in our low-poly Fantasy forest pack in for review a third time. That probably means it’ll go through and get published. We’re certainly putting our best into this attempt, having tweaked almost everything we could think of! Look out for our pack on the unity asset store over the next week, you might actually find it there.

A few other things going on in the studio this week. We working on a new banner for socials, it’ll be great trust me. Oh and a few gameplay gifs for our website. Here’s a peak for those reading this!

As you can tell, we’re almost figured out with spawning and manipulating plants and decoration. Our next steps are setting up saving and loading function from the main menu and Challenges! You’ll hear a lot more about them if you stick around.
So please, stick around for next weeks devlog. It’ll be great, trust me. But as always you can meme at us on all the social medias; Twitter, Instagram and Facebook.