Mega Man CD: The Corruption of Little Planet

5 months ago

doing more Keiji Inafune style illustrations.

I suppose this could be considered as a teaser for an upcoming piece of artwork.



Next up

Today’s Sonic CD’s 31st Anniversary, so here is a few WIPs and concepts for Mega Man CD! πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰

Credits to @Juh_Boss7 , @AntAnimates , @The14thGamer and @SonicFan123987 .

DRN-008; Collision Man - Mega Man CD Illustrations

Panic Man Idle V2

japanese logo (gonna redo the subtitle soon)πŸ‘

Masafumi Ogata - Wacky Workbench / [UBSE-037 REMIX] #Ultrabox #Beepbox

Stardust vs Mega Man - Mega Man CD Illustrations

Dubious Man idle v3

stage 4 qsound disease (WIP)

tweak cd

Quartz Man Stage "P" Mix [2A03]