I’m really really mad rn because of my friends parents. Not my friend, her PARENTS. They are literal ASSHOLES. Basically, my friend was at lunch, and she started drawing but she drew on school property, aka a stone in the courtyard. She got lunch detention and everything and didn’t complain about it cause it was a mistake and everyone makes mistakes…
Dude! She literally made a mistake, why do you feel the need to literally TAKE AWAY EVERYRJING FROM HER?!?
You ground her, reasonable, right? But then you yell at her and say “this is on your ‘permanent record’! They should have reported you to the police you criminal!!”
HELLO?? She’s a MINOR first of all, it was a MISTAKE second of all, and third of all, WHY TF YOU TRYING TO YELL AT YOUR CHILD FOR SOMETHING AND CALL HER A “CRIMINAL”?
Discipline is one thing, I get that, every parent does it differently, I get that, but come on!! Take her phone and lock shit on it, that fine, take her headphones while she suffers because everything is too loud, …okay, twist her words and make it so everything she says makes you hate her more and ruins her life? Okay, tell me you have strict shitty parents without telling me you have strict shitty parents.
They literally just said “your life is now school work and chores.” Way to ruin your child’s relationships with you and literally EVERYONE ELSE. She’s already fucking depressed and hates you. She plans on getting tf out of there and never coming back, so keep being a shitty parent and loose your child.
They took away her clothes because she doodles on them and herself and said “stop drawing on yourself or we’ll get you a uniform. Okay, draw on that shit too! Waste your money while taking everything away from your child!
I talked to her and we were trying to help he out here and we were coming up with things she could do to get her freedom and stuff back and she goes “yeah I can’t do that, they’ll take away everything I have and make me sleep on the floor.”
I don’t know anyone who’s been neglected or have been neglected myself but can’t that be argued as neglect?? Maybe not but jeez!! Calm down, she just drew on something and took responsibility for it!!
To me, this sounds like unfair parenting, probably cause I have nice parents who don’t like grounding us and doing that kind of punishment… but isn’t that like, idk, TOO far??
Whoever read this, thanks and HOLY SHIT YOUR ATTENTION SPAN IS CRAZY, and what’s your thinking on this? Feel free to give your opinions and educate me and stuffs.