FNaTI - Donald's
6 months ago

Donald's is very unlikely to get a sequel, and if it does get one somehow, it will probably not feature anyone from the first games cast (aleast the base models for this game)



Next up

Shoutout to DNaF: The Insanity Shifts By Peripherals, Its Peak

Patch 1.3

Fixed minnies cam sound not playing lol

thx to @sun_and_Games for pointing out that this wasnt somehow fixed in the previos patch

Five Nights at Nick's - SpongeBob Remade

- Base Model From BFBB Remake

- Everything Else By Me

- FNaN By Torrent1703

(the rig is ass)

Me trying to get a voice actor without a noticable accent for somethige

Random facts about trtf rebuilt i found in its source code

think its funny how poppy playtime chapter 4 is considerd the worst one yet costs the most out of all of them

Donald's Dev

Donald's Patch 1.4

Happy 10th Year Anniversary To FNaTI

Base Model By @Fourteen_