The Lost Ones 1: Treasure Island
2 years ago

Due to some users on my Twitter, I know I said I wouldn't keep making devlogs if there's no progress but I may as well fill in the details

First things first

No, the game isn't cancelled, quit ya worrying.

So by the large text you've just seen obviously states that the game isn't cancelled, and I know it's been a long time since the demo released, but here's the thing.

Why did the game's development slow down?

So the main reason things started to slow down is because in July of last year I got my first job, hip-hip hooray. It was supposed to be a part-time job contracting me 15.5 hours, but due to our lack of staff I've been working nearly 40 hours a week which has been burning me dry of motivation to work on this game, and I'm wanting to at least balance out spending time with my partner and family, without rushing things in this game.

When did I start to lose motivation?

So like in all development cycles there's always that one complicated bit that stresses you out, and in my case it's the Pirate Caverns. The base game is about done, but the caverns are taking longer than expected.

To spill the beans the caverns are taking a while because they are going to be fully fledged 360 motioned point and click adventure type of part in the game, in which the level each time loaded I would aim on having key items spawn in different players for immersion. And in order to make a 360 render I'm going to need to fill up a room with all sorts of props and proper lighting so it stands out in all angles, and due to my computer obviously not being powerful it's a matter of dealing with slowness and crashes.

What is left?

So now is the big question. How much of the game is left, well. From what I've already stated before, the base game is already done, including Suicide Mouse's role and even the custom night being proven to be beatable by our team member DezZival.

Things that are left includes:

  • Pirate Caverns (Major)

  • Cutscenes (fully animated btw) (Major)

  • Custom Night and Extras Screen. (Major)

  • Randomly generated weather upon starting a night (Minor)

  • Voice Lines for the characters (Major)

  • Finding a new actor for Greg due to the Pear group situation and Ultranite, and re-recording the first calls that we're already done by Ultranite. (Major)

  • And after release Expansion to the game (will start after the game is released)

  • Different skins for the characters (Minor + Unlockables)



Next up


Old and the New

Hourglass at McDonald's what will he order

(Render by @____NorbertRottenb3 )

FNaTI 2017 out now for mobile!

Happy 9 Years to my first ever render I've uploaded!


*Recorded on a Redmi Note 13

New phone, who dis?

A little teaser of what's to come. Teaser I cooked up for you all as a treat. ;)

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Happy (sort of) Christmas guys from me and the team!