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Looks like we got a new jolly battleback to the boss fight right there.
1 am, getting a Konpeito at Ebāgurīntsurīfakutorī, i meant, Evergreen Tree Factory.
Adding a New Enemy Battle Theme to an old game is always good, right?
yes... Spiritwell is still being worked on...
The System is taken over by the Red Room... I meant, a Type of Malware, like a Trojan Horse.
Long awaited weekends lay ahead of us☀
A perfect time to admire the views of Arkana! Build a cozy house on lake shore, cook your masterpiece of a dish, invite some friends to the table and together meet a picturesque sunset🌄
Dango dango dango dango dango dango dai kazoku,
dango dango dango dango dango dai kazoku.
Tell me, what she does search (or code) on her computer)?
New to Legion Hearts? Here’s what the game is all about.
Dandadan is getting a Second Season soon.