So another change for the better.
I had to think about it again (in terms of the design, that would also match with other Characters, who don't have ears. That is: DJ Stellar Espio)
The changes:
~ These unique Rings are now called: Elemental Rings (renamed from Force Rings)
And yes, spoiler alert. Each of the Characters have thier own abilities of being infused with the power of elemental (hence the enhancer substance that is leaking from the eyes, once the clones enter the evil mode)
Top Stellar Shadow ~ Inferno Elemental (Fire)
Anew Stellar Sonic ~ Plasma Elemental (Lightning)
~ Elemental Rings (Headset version) can now change own size (just like portal rings) for example, to cover the ear fully when the Character desire to hear the music to perform some remix.
~ The "mirror interior" of the Elemental Rings (headset) on each Character now represents own power of elemental, except for Union Stellar Infinite. He is an exception in the band, as he has a mask and it has own unique design
(I mean, the design idea is similar of representing the power of elemental on the mask, but still it looks different)
~ Once entering Evil Mode. All Rings on the Character will receive additionally a shape of the spikes as well. The inside of the Elemental Ring (mainly in the headphones) will take the form of an elemental entrance, resembling of the portal ring.
~ Either way, the Elemental Rings (Headset) are now more mobile. These can be placed of the Character's wish: in ears or more close as was before, on the both sides of the head.
"Still comfortable, uniquely distinguished for each Character. Not only can shape,
but also change the size. And will not only reinforce the elemental power, but will improve making cool maneuvers / increase movement! A perfect equipment for a techno performer"