El Donte's Bizarre Adventure
2 years ago

Ending B is done.

Both Endings A and B have been refined.

All that needs to be done now is Ending C and the Dante Gauntlet.

After that, it's adjusting a few misc. things, adding NPC's, then..

The final playtest before release.

I hope you guys are excited.




Next up

Trophy Icons have been updated again!

Chest and Enemy Generation have been made. Both systems will randomly generate loot and enemies on a room or floor change, both relying on a universal event refresh. All the sprites needed have also been made, I hope this looks interesting.

Another Demo Update!

Phantom Fight Demo Update

Still on the crusade of visually upgrading things. Upgraded the text boxes and character busts this time round.

Added an absolutely FIRE red background thing to each of the busts for more of that visual pop.

I'm very stoked over this, more to come.

Yes, it was absolutely worth messing up the general text alignment for this. This is fire, we love SMT.

Combat Balancing is hard, thought I'd take time to redo some of the areas. Here's DMC 1 Dante's arena, Old vs New. Thoughts?

Another asset update, this time to the main page headers.

It's a hell of alot more readable right now, to the point Futura is going to be the optimal font to stick with for most of the visual stuff.

Coming at you again with another visual related thing.

The new Vergil navigator pop-up looks really cool, thought I'd post it.

Like with Trophies, I've changed the pause menu again; hopefully for the last time.

The menu before this one looked nice but was just too difficult to navigate. This one is better, more user friendly.