3 days ago


⚡Protofans⚡ Today, I bring you both good and bad news. Based on the image in this post, you probably.


⚡Protofans⚡ Hoy les traigo buenas y malas noticias. Según la imagen de este post, es probable.



Bad News:

Do you remember the Together Again gameplay I uploaded to my YouTube channel? Well, here’s the bad news: Even though I finished the game, I didn’t complete it 100%. I missed several things:

  • An entire half of the collectibles

  • Some of Rachel’s tapes

Because of this, I wasn’t able to achieve 100% completion on my first run. Once I realized this, I felt deeply disappointed and regretful. The reason is simple: It was my first time playing the saga, and I didn’t check any gameplays or tutorials—I was learning as I played.

Good News:

The good news is that by Monday, I had finally completed the game with all the collectibles and tapes. Today, I finished editing the video using Adobe Premiere Pro. However, since the video is quite long, it will only be available in 1080p quality, not 4K, like the challenge series video. Rendering it in 4K would take almost an entire day. I hope you all understand.

  • I’ll be uploading the video to YouTube soon so you can watch it. It’s completely redone, and I even added a little surprise at the beginning—so stay tuned!

  • When The Magic Hour is released, I promise to study the game thoroughly to complete it 100% before streaming it, so I don’t make the same mistake again. I sincerely promise!

  • Take care, and see you soon! I’ll let you know once the video is uploaded. 👍

  • Prototype 2.0



Malas Noticias:

¿Recuerdan el gameplay de Together Again que subí a mi canal de YouTube? Pues aquí van las malas noticias: aunque terminé el juego, no lo completé al 100%. Me faltaron varias cosas:

  • La mitad entera de los coleccionables

  • Algunas cintas de Rachel

Por esta razón, no pude lograr el 100% en mi primer intento. Cuando me di cuenta, me sentí muy arrepentido y decepcionado conmigo mismo. La razón es simple: era la primera vez que jugaba la saga y no revisé gameplays ni tutoriales. Aprendí poco a poco sobre la marcha.

Buenas Noticias:

Pero la buena noticia es que el lunes finalmente completé el juego con todos los coleccionables y las cintas. Hoy terminé de editar el video con Adobe Premiere Pro. Sin embargo, como el video es bastante largo, solo estará disponible en 1080p, no en 4K como el video de la serie de retos. Renderizarlo en 4K tomaría casi un día entero, así que espero que lo entiendan.

  • Pronto lo subiré a YouTube para que puedan verlo. Está completamente rehecho y hasta le agregué una sorpresita al inicio—¡ya lo descubrirán!

  • Cuando salga The Magic Hour, prometo aprender bien sobre el juego para completarlo al 100% antes del streaming y no cometer el mismo error. ¡Lo prometo sinceramente!

  • @SirMemphisto_Heisenmorg , este video te va a encantar, al igual que a todos ustedes ⚡Protofanáticos⚡.

  • Cuídense y hasta la próxima. Cuando el video esté subido, les avisaré. 👍

  • Prototype 2.0

1 comment


Next up

Last Night's Teaser #2: What am I now?


BOSS name: Quetzalcoátl, the Celestial Guardian

Last Night's Teaser #4: What Happened Where I am?

@ColesyGaming is a Jolter to Watch! They post great gaming videos! Follow them before the quest ends on September 24 and you'll get Coins!


Ryan's Pizza Plush Pals!

Ryan, Sasha, Jim, and Chris plushies!

$1.99 / 300 tickets each.

Buy one.


ESP (Latino):

¡Los Peluches Amigos de Ryan's Pizza!

Peluches de Ryan, Sasha, Jim y Chris!

$1.99 / 300 boletos cada uno.

Compra uno.

This was probably one of the more requested and wished for features I've seen from the demo but now there's an Undo and Redo option in the game!

The Tiles and Objects have their own individual undo and redo lists.



The video is already finished! Go watch this gameplay, you're going to love it.


ESP (Latino):


¡El video ya está listo! Vayan a ver este gameplay, les va a encantar. @SirMemphisto_Heisenmorg


Last Night's Teaser #3: You Know Who I Am?

Gangster Chica


I was browsing YouTube when I found out that...


ESP (Latino):

Estaba revisando YouTube cuando me enteré de que… 👇
