Undertale Purple

4 months ago

ENG: This is the Final Design of Toriel who will be next?

SPAN: Este es el diseño definitivo de Toriel quien será el siguiente?

RUS: ИЭто окончательный дизайн Ториэль, кто будет следующим?



Next up

For the 50 followers I'll do a Q&A. And guys, thank you so much, I'm very happy to get to the 50 followers Now for 60 and then 70, 80, 90, 100 just thank you

Eng: The Great Papayrus in his royal guard armor that is not made of cardboard.

Esp: El Gran Papayrus con su armadura de la guardia real que no está hecha de cartón.

Rus: Великий Папайрус в доспехах королевской гвардии сделан не из картона

ENG: Royal Guard Sleyer the Beetle

ESP: El Guardia Real Sleyer el escarabajo

RUS: Королевский страж Слейер Жук

CHIN: 皇家卫队杀戮者甲虫

Hey guys, Merry Christmas, have a good time, I'll always say it, thanks for your support.

noelle joined

ENG: I have the other sprites of the human ready, they will be there when I start programming the game, maybe in future versions they will change

Happy #WIPWednesday! Are you working on a game? Making some art? Practicing a song? Something else? Tell us in the comments!


Well it's 2025 happy new year thanks guys for all the support you've given me without you this wouldn't be possible

Happy #WIPWednesday! Are you working on a game? Making some art? Practicing a song? Something else? Tell us in the comments!

I got bored of speaking in Japanese and pretending to be someone else so here is the Saturn design which by the way the Creepypasta will be from Sonic R