Apollo's Night Terror
1 year ago

ESP: Lo prometido es deuda. Aquí lo que ha ganado de la encuesta.

ENG: What is promised is a debt. Here what you have gained from the survey.


Como se ha prometido anteriormente, estaré mostrando un WIP del Gameplay, aunque faltan un par de cosas para completarlo.


Aquí podemos ver que he introducido el típico movimiento de cámara característico de los FNaF de antaño.



Y este sería un primer vistazo al sistema de cámaras. Algo a comentar sobre esto, me costó un poco hacerlo, ya que trasladarlo de Unreal Engine, mediante blueprints, a Unity, mediante código, se me complicó un poquito. Algunas cosas son diferentes, en cuanto el nombre del evento a llamar.



Y para finalizar, un regalito que quiero dar. El progreso que llevo mediante porcentajes, pegando fuerte la nostalgia de cuando Scott mostraba cómo iba con la UCN.



Y así termina este post, espero que sigan esperando con mucha paciencia, que esto va viento en popa. Si quieren que haya un nuevo DevLog pero con otro tema, puedes votarlo en la encuesta que dejaré a continuación.

Y como digo siempre, No Vemo En Diney.


As promised previously, I will be showing a WIP of the Gameplay, although a couple of things are missing to complete it.

Here we can see that I have introduced the typical camera movement characteristic of the FNaFs of yesteryear.



And this would be a first look at the camera system. Something to comment on this, it took me a bit to do it, since transferring it from Unreal Engine, through blueprints, to Unity, through code, was a little complicated for me. Some things are different, as to the name of the event to call.



And finally, a little gift that I want to give. The progress I have made through percentages, strongly affecting the nostalgia of when Scott showed how he was doing with the UCN.



And so this post ends, I hope you continue to wait very patiently, as this is going from strength to strength. If you want there to be a new DevLog but with a different theme, you can vote for it in the poll that I will leave below.

And as I always say, No Vemo En Diney.

  5 votes Voting finished



Next up

ESP: Damas y caballeros, esta es la razón por la que estuve MUY inactivo durante casi un año entero, aparte de los estudios.

ENG: Ladies and gentlemen, here's the reason why I was SO inactive for almost an entire year, beside the studies.


Aquí está un WIP del Sistema de Cámaras


Here is a WIP of the Camera System

(Sorry english people, I talk in spanish, so I only say sorry)



ESP: Lo inesperado ha ocurrido

ENG: The unexpected has happend

Rat Race Production Update


Happy 10th Anniversary of TRTF2!

Bandana Dee the Dream Friend

What you all think

Rockin the Guitar, an Axe like Guitar I made for my Uni project