Solo mirad esta imagen y decidme que no veis la palabra "BABY" en las minireenas
Just look at this picture and tell me you don't see the word "BABY" in the minireenas
Next up
Guys! Sorry for inactivity!
This Weekend I will can't post anything, sorry ;(
The cause of my inactivity it's: EXAMS. I have had 3 exams this Week :(
Halloween Update is coming to GameJolt!
I'm very hyped for this!
Sister Location BS Pins! 🤩
With a draw of Funtime Endoskeleton and Bonnet!😁
I hope you like it, I make it for the Siter Location 5th Anniversary the last Week 🥰
Tomorrow new Brawl Talk!
New Legendary Brawler for the Superheros Trio!
Rat Race Production Update
I started the Chica BS Pins!
But I can't publish before have 100 likes in the Bonnie Pins.
Pls, help me to reach it ;)
Ok, Chica BS Pins :)
I hope you like it, I tried to make an different pins this time. And Carl's Pins too ;)
Community: Supercell don't make more robot Brawlers