Not Bear

2 years ago


First of all, thank you all so much for passing 100 followers. I didn't think so many people would find interest in Not Bear and I am really excited to share it with all of you. Expect more reveals, twists and turns coming later down the line as well some form of celebration of this milestone.

Secondly, like usual, even though I've been pretty secret about it, progress is still being made. And in fact, some of you may have spotted that there's already a release date inbound! (Just fool around aprilly in the game-page and you'll find it. Yes, that was a pun. Deal with it (:<).

Now, let's talk about the actual game. First things first, I am proud to announce that after working hard on it and tweaking it to perfection, All/20 mode is playable, fun, brutal but possible. When I started making the game I told myself that unlike most fnaf fan-games, I am not releasing the game until I personally beat All/20 and make sure it's a fun experience and not a draining one. In most official fnaf games and fangames it often feels like something that was left unintentionally. This results in many All/20 challenges where sheer RNG is what dictates if you win or lose, whether it is through different mechanics clashing or just unfair limitations. I challenged myself to make an All/20 challenge that does not fall into these traps, and I can proudly say that after beating it and letting my friends play it, I think I succeeded. Oh, and I also dropped some fun surprises along the way but don't worry about it it's not like they're going to double the challenge or something :v.

Now, in terms of actual game progress. How are things looking at the moment?

Main game/normal route:
-Gameplay: mostly done. There's still some bugs that need fixing, polish that needs to be made and who knows what I might want to touch up on before the game's release next year. But considering All/20 is fully functional, you can rightfully assume that it is fully playable.
-Art: requires the most work. Many sprites are still in their placeholder state. However most of it already looks fine enough and playable. The office is pretty much good to go, most of the UI is nearly finished and there are already some finished Camera sprites.
-Music: the ost for this portion of the game is essentially done. I might tweak bits and parts of it but it's already in a state I consider finish. The only theme I am yet to finish is the ending theme. But that shouldn't be too much work.
-Story: This is where the bulk of the work remains. The Phone Guy Calls have not been fully recorded yet and I wish to revise some of them. Besides that, there's still a few cutscenes that need to be made, and they might wind up rather time consuming.

Golden Ending:
-Gameplay: Basically the same situation as the normal ending. Might be tweaks but it's fully functional.
-Art: There are a few placeholder sprites that need changing, but overall anything that is unfinished comes from the main game.
-Music: Done and awesome. Can't wait to show it off!
-Story: Mostly scripted. The cutscenes still need to be made and I might slightly revise the script, but it's turning out alright for the most part.

G̷͖̝̺̋͒͛r̴̞̫͘͠e̷̯̺͓͌ÿ̸͍̺̱̐̍ Ending:
-Gameplay: Plenty of work left. Around half of it is already playable, but the remaining half is a little ambitious.
-Art: Most of what's playable already has art. The rest doesn't.
-Music: Done. Might tweak a little bit of it or revise some parts but once again, it's doing great.
-Story: Lots of work left. Most of the story tying it all together is not in the game yet and many of it is still yet to be scripted.

Extra stuff:
The scope is still unclear in terms of additional content. Due to being the least necessary, most of it is still on the back of my priorities. So far mostly music and concepts have been made. But the game will be an enjoyable experience with or without it. So don't let anything beyond the three endings be your focus of attention regarding the game!

And that's it so far in terms of progress. But just so you won't be left empty handed, here are a couple of new screenshots and teasers:
-The first is a screenshot of the title screen once again. Now after a few tweaks and after beating all/20 mode
-The prototype Custom night menu! Some of the graphics are still placeholders though it is in a pretty good state now. I am really proud of how the pixelated mugshots of the different entities turned out, and as you can see they change depending on the entity's aggression level!
-Last but not least, camera sprites are starting to get their well deserved overhauls! You can already see how most of the ui is going to look in the final game. There are still a few small things I haven't implemented (such as a proper power display), but the camera system overall is in a pretty good state and is going to be pretty fun to navigate!

Welp. That's all for now. Have fun with these new updates, and I will see you all very, very soon... (:<



Next up

Fixing bugs... (4 Days until Not Bear releases)


It ain't a true holiday without some new unbearable things in town! Not Bear's new patch is here to fix and tweak parts the bravest of you are yet to discover. ..And other bugs. Have fun! (As per usual updating the game doesn't delete progress so go wild)



Rat Race Production Update

1 Day left until Not Bear releases.

Hello everyone! Not Bear has been updated with a small patch that fixes some major bugs! I provided below a list of bugfixes and tweaks. Also, if you haven't figured by now, GAME'S OUT. Have fun! :)

Adjusting Screen Guy's directions (3 Days until Not Bear releases)