Not Bear

2 months ago

It ain't a true holiday without some new unbearable things in town! Not Bear's new patch is here to fix and tweak parts the bravest of you are yet to discover.
..And other bugs.
Have fun! (As per usual updating the game doesn't delete progress so go wild)


-Added a version number on the bottom right of the menu (that way I can finally tell if
you're suffering from a bug that I fixed instead of panicking that my rivalry with it is still ongoing)
-Fixed bug where LimbedI would clog the enemy queue in the Gray Route if treated late.
-Fixed bug where Berry would clog the enemy queue if he moved while BBOT is charging to your office.
-Fixed a bug where LimbedI and BBOT would dissapear from whatever camera they're in if the audio lure has been used on it.
-Fixed various other bugs with Berry's interaction with the Enemy Queue.
-Fixed a bug where if Berry or Powerplant were in the bathroom and you would close the cameras the 'privacy please' disclaimer wouldn't dissapear.
-Fixed a bug where you could collect more Toilet Papers then required causing various other glitches.
-Fixed a bug where some numpad buttons would show in front of the screen in your office.
-Players can now press the nose through the tentacle attack of the Entity.
-Fixed layering issues between the nose attack and the generator power indicators.
-Fixed the Entity not removing itself from the enemy queue after mimicking Berry.

Gray Route (Spoilers):

-Fixed a bug that allowed players to accidentally turn on/off the tape player while in the cameras.
-Added an additional note on the first Gray Route night in case the player missed the Gray Room mechanic.
-Added a cap on how much coins Hangman can spawn beyond his demanded price.
-Fixed a bug where newly spawned coins would appear on your screen even if your camera is down
-Fixed a bug where Yellight might completely miss the LimbedI death sequance
-Fixed not showing camera in Simon death sequance
-Fixed a bug where you could repeatedly toggle on/off Hellucination Mode in Suit Trial 5 rapidly causing a game crash.
-Fixed possesed yarn-doll attack displaying behind the tentacles.
-Fixed possesed yarn-doll attack not jumpscaring the player when it's supposed to.
-Fixed possesed yarn-doll attack spawning in the Office center for a few frames before teleporting to it's respective side.
-Balanced the Entity to alternate between mimicking normal entities and the horsemen in a more consistent manner.
-The Entity (phase 2) now gives players more time to read the notes before using new attacks.
-Tweaked Jeremy note to make the way to deal with them clearer.
-Added Pinata-Spider-like indicator to show when a Jeremy gets hit with the lasers.



Next up

Eat your greens. (6 Days until Not Bear releases)

New Not Bear patch! This patch contains small bugfixes and tweaks (and is also available on the web version :0). Remember that updating your game won't remove any savedata! This was a wild ride, and I can't wait for you to see everything I left in here.

Thank you all so much for 400 Followers on Not Bear and 295 Plays/downloads!!!! This means so much to me. (And remember, secret route update coming soon!)


1 Day left until Not Bear releases.

Rat Race Production Update

Hello everyone! Not Bear has been updated with a small patch that fixes some major bugs! I provided below a list of bugfixes and tweaks. Also, if you haven't figured by now, GAME'S OUT. Have fun! :)

Adjusting Screen Guy's directions (3 Days until Not Bear releases)