Fanart of the Mother 1 - Haunted Doll Battle. Mother Series is the inspiration to make my own game (also, can I post about it [my game] here? Please, let me know)
Next up
Ekorella Vol 1 [remake] demo will release in May, maybe. That's how it seems:
Ekorella's New build is coming soon. Check our new intro!
I made a Yume Nikki Fanart. The Spookiest game I ever played.
Met a boy named Ninten today. Seemed cool. #CatsRuleEverythingAroundMe
Making some test with Blender. Here's Palmito, character from Ekorella Vol. 1
say hi to porky 😈
I made this (on Blender) Omega Flowey in 2016, I think you like. I'm a great Undertale fan! (I have a game inspired in it. Check for @ekorellagame in twitter. Thanks!)
Making some tests with Blender. Maybe our new artwork style!
My copy of Mother 3 really must be on the fritz or somethin.
Chapter 2 title card remade 1 year later, by the same artist [me].