A massive thank you to Game Jolt for featuring my Devlog, and a warm welcome to any new followers!
I’d like to personally apologise for the lack of activity - I’ve been on an indefinite break from Game Development, but hope to make a comeback very soon. I’ve been brewing some exciting stuff, but it’s not ready to reveal just yet.
What is Grimstorm: Colosseum?

For those of you who don’t know, Grimstorm: Colosseum is a 4 player arena brawler. It’s very fast paced and it’s all about your stats and postioning. You can play by button mashing, but you won’t win!
This also serves as a way of testing out the new Grimstorm engine for my upcoming game, Grimstorm: Conquest of Lords - a immersive single player game where you must travel through a corrupt land, defeating powerful lords and unlocking game changing skills. Think Shovel Knight meets Metroid!
I don’t plan on resuming this in the immediate future, but I’d like to invite you all to join the beta testing list if you’re interested in seeing how the game has come so far. You’ll gain access to exclusive tester posts explaining mechanics in great detail, as well as having a say on the overall shape of the game.
Development Videos
I’ve been additionally documenting my development progress over on my YouTube channel. Feel free to watch through this playlist if you’re interested in hearing my say and seeing the game in action!
Here’s the most recent version in action:
Thank you very much once again for stopping by! Keep your swords at the ready…!