I’ve been hard at work preparing a release that’s good enough for the public to try out, mainly because of the upcoming game developer event I’m going to in Brighton next week. The game is looking more and more like an actual game now, and I’m very happy with the progress that I’ve made these past weeks.

My time has been spent on refining the engine and polishing a few things, such as adding blood and hit effects when you manage to strike an opponent. Most noticeably however, is the addition of the UI and menu system I’ve been piecing together. It’s still very basic, but allows management of the games you’d like to play.
In addition, I finally managed to add stable support for 4 human players at once! I’m yet to actually play with 4 people, but I’m hoping that it’ll be extremely fun.

I haven’t decided to replace this initial tileset just yet because it looks fine as it is for this release. I aim to create a more Roman-styled tileset to convey the feeling that you’re in an actual arena being spectated by the Lords of Power.
The next beta should come to testers very soon, so watch out for the update when it releases!
I’ve also been streaming more regularly than usual now, and have got together a nice crowd that comes and chills on stream! We listen to some cool tracks and talk about gamedev with each other - it’s worth coming down to check it out.
Don’t forget to follow Grimstorm on Twitter and Facebook for cool GIFs too!