8 hours ago

Few pieces of old media

While i was working on the remake of the archives,i found 4 pictures. These 4 pictures were dedicated to chapter 8.5: Discovery Island. Circus Show follow-up. The original title was Oblitus Casa,but due to getting risk of making people confused,i decided to rename it to "The Edge of Darkness: Discovery Island (The Lost Ones AU: Discovery Island). I wanna give You a summary about this chapter


Only thing You need to know about this chapter is that the Treasure Island characters were locked at Circus Baby's Pizza World. Why? Because in 2006,the workers built the circus on top of Treasure Island (in my old AU, Treasure Island was like a restaurant. Not a resort). After they finished the circus,the took the costumes from Treasure Island and threw them in the storage room.The workers even had plans with these costumes. The remains of Treasure Island is used as a basement and The Pirate Caverns was somehow intact. After a tragedy where a girl named Victoria Beckham was crushed by a locker and 6 more people died after encountering Demon Rabbit,the circus was closed. The Circus was called "Mickey's Magical Circus". 8 years later,the circus was re-named to "Circus Baby's Pizza World".

Daisy Duck was in the BETA version of my old AU until she was scrapped for the full version of Chapter 8.5.

Willy,Pete,Photo Negative Minnie,Daisy by Fourteen_

Slester model by @TheBlight /Springtrap2016

MOTHER GEN 1 is from TI Wiki

Circus Baby's Pizza World logo by Namy G

I forgot who made the Treasure Island logo. I'm sorry <:(



Next up

You can't hide forever! (The Lost Ones AU Archives REMAKE WIP)

Maria Rayas fanart (requested by my friend @Alvaro_or_Aladpad )

I know She is not accurate like in the game,but i wanted to be creative and give few minor changes. Like the eyes,the teeth,her toenails painted black,claws and black eyed snakes! Enjoy!

FNaTI 2017 out now for mobile!

Here is tier list if You want to make your own


Fnaf fangame developers tier list. Many developers are in "Never Heard" tier (i added this extra tier actually) . This is all my opinion as well. Fangame tier list will get a remake


*Recorded on a Redmi Note 13

My top 5 favorite Fnaf fan games+Honorable Mention+Dishonorable Mention

My updated Fnaf fan game tier list. This my definitive Fnaf fan game tier list . Remember,this is all my opinion. If You have questions,feel free To ask

Tier list i used



Retiring from gaming (updated post)