2 years ago

Finally wrapped up the last portfolio entry from my latest big YouTube project. Posed renders of Hyper Metal Sonic phase shifting.

Art Station link:

#SonicCD #SonicMovie3 #SonicFanArt #MetalSonic #StardustSpeedway #RetroGaming



Next up

More lighting and environment updates https://youtu.be/HeSnNTwMi1M #TheArk #Maria #Shadow

Enviro started

#JimCarrey Chonk version Robotnik. Just doing a quick highlight of my #Robotnik rig because many do not see or understand how much every Robotnik design in existence had been incorporated into this look lol. Also Egg pod! #CC4 #Unreal #Sonic #UE5

Progress continued on interiors #SpaceColonyArk #WIP #FanArt #Maria #Shadow

#HedgehogDay Why do I like Sonic so much? To put it short I began to draw and do art because of Sonic at 7. Maybe if he didn't exist I would not exist esp. as pro artist #YujiNaka #NaotoOshima #HisashiEguchi #江口寿志 #Sega 大変にありがとうございました。人生が変わって大変感謝しております。

Started greeble work on the Ark, man its crazy huge... Process session https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WY_rFbn8vcw&t=0s #Shadow #Maria #SpaceColonyArk #WIP #UE5 #FanArt

Shadow and Maria having a little stroll

Calling outerspace done for now. Wasted too much time trying to figure small crap out. Not used to lighting outerspace scenes lol Moon nedulas and stars added for flair #Shadow #Maria #SpaceColonyArk #WIP #FanArt