Stanley's 2: Unbound
2 months ago

First 2025 Devlog | Stanley's 2: Unbound

2024 was an amazing year for me when it came to game development. I had finally released Stanley's: Rebooted after about a year in the making, and then I went on to start making the sequel. Stanley's: Rebooted was a big step for me and I learned a lot when making it. I also became more well known by the community and it was really nice to have a little bit of attention.

Now to the main topic of this post, the sequel. This game should be almost done by now, but it's not. It's nowhere near close to being done. When I finished the first game, all the attention it got for the first few weeks gave me a huge spark of motivation to start working on the sequel. And at the time, I made pretty decent progress, but motivation doesn't ever last forever. After that, I only worked on the game once every now and then, making small bits of progress here and there.

Things That Have Been Finished (Within the past 3 months or so)

  • First full-length trailer has been made

  • Fully functioning camera system

  • Working door (there's only one that closes)

  • The office lighting has been finalized

  • Some more of the game's OST has been made

  • Lots of other small things that make the game feel smooth and fun to play

I'm really wanting this game to be way better than the first, since the first game had many problems of its own. And since I want this game to be way better, I'm gonna need a lot more time with developing it to really make it shine and outdo the first game.

I am providing a new gameplay video with this post to show what the game looks like as of now. As you can see, the game already looks more polished and nicer than the first game, and it's going to get better in the future. I really hope y'all will like the game when I finish it later this year. It's going to be good. And hopefully it will be a good sendoff to the Stanley games. After this game, I might be done, since I'm getting to a point in my life where I need to move on.



Next up

beautiful tone (i don't have a bass so i used my guitar for this riff)

also guess the song



Stanley's 2: Unbound | Official Trailer


Rat Race Production Update

nobody noticed my clean puppet transition in the trailer

is the "fnaf" in the room with us?


Happy 10th Anniversary of TRTF2!