Codename: Project Terminus.
It would take inspiration from FNaF:SL, featuring different setpieces across five nights. Including the building showcased, the back alley/sewer from Ventures, and concluding in the Advert Studio.

How much of it is playable?
Everything that is shown in the video: incomplete UI, no save system, 10% of all planned renders, one unfinished A.I., no jumpscares, and the camera system.
The A.I. was controlled via debug by me; it does not function on it's own since it's unfinished.
The project was put to rest early 2019, as I shifted focus over to Impurity instead.
And no, I will not be releasing any builds to the public.
What was the story?
Please note that there are holes and inconsistencies.
It would have taken place one week after the events of the first game. (Five Ventures With 39 taking place during that week long gap.)
During that one week gap, the newer, accurate models of 39 and his friends went through thorough testing in the Advert Studio to ensure proper functionality, before they're put to use in the Pizzeria. Why do this in an abandoned building? Well, whatever goes down in an abandoned building, can easily be swept under the rug.
The first few nights would take place in the Pizzeria, until you are accused of tampering with the animatronics, resulting in further malfunctions, so you are moved to the now abandoned Advert Studio instead.

Before their first night at the Advert Studio, on a smoke break in the back alleys, the nightguard would be met by 39 crawling out of the sewer, who would desperately plea for his help in getting back in to the studio to retrieve Plushie.
Like anyone else would, the nightguard turned heel, and hit legs, dropping their keys in the process.
39 now had a way in, or so he thought, he would quickly learn that the locks have been destroyed and the doors have been barricaded from the inside, leaving the player in control of 39 to find a way in via what ever means necessary.
This night would end with 39 finally finding his way inside, only to be met with the horror that is Nightmare39.
(Lol where the fuck did he come from? Idk either.)

With only limited controlled shocks, and a flashlight on hand, the final night would see the player taking control of 39, in the dark office where Sam's dead body lies, taking on Nightmare39 in a ridiculously difficult final night.
The ending? There wasn't any definitive ending put in place, but I did want to have two of them.
What would've the gameplay been?
Nights 1-3 would have been your basic fnaf formula, survive each animatronic as they become more difficult, two doors, two lights and cameras, possibly more mechanics if I actually followed through with the project.
Accurate39 would have been the same as 39, as seen in the definitive update for the first game, but without the power room mechanic.
BlooBear would have been like Freddy in FNBF, slowly moving, and would appear in the office to stare at the player for a short time, but now he would disable the cameras and lights when staring you down.
Chikeisha's mechanics were barely thought about; the only idea in mind was that she would hide in various places, including under the office desk, posing as a threat that can be easily overlooked amongst the other three.
David's mechanic would have been similar to FNBF, keep your eye on him to keep him from inching closer to the office, but he can be stopped by the door, like in FNaF1.
Night 4 would have been similar to the outside segment seen in Five Nights Before Freddy's 2, but expanded upon.
In 39's POV, you would search between the sewer and back alleys to find access to the Advert Studio.
The final hours of Night 4 would see the player taking control of Plushie, crawling around the studio to avoid the lurking threat, Nightmare39.
You would've utilized stealth, to scrounge up supplies from various rooms to make your own form of controlled shocks, to attempt to stun the threat.

Night 5 would have been the final night (for real, no night 6, 7 or 8.)
It would again be in 39's POV, taking the position of nightguard for some unknown reason, working with Plushie to take down Nightmare39.
With only a flashlight and limited controlled shocks as your defense, Nightmare39 would lay traps via hallucinations on the cameras and in the office itself, leaving room for you to be attacked easily.

You would have to survive beyond 6am until Nightmare39 finally shuts down. (Randomly generated times.)
What else was planned, alternate ideas?
I had the idea for two endings, the ending chosen was determined by how long you took to reach the end of Night 4, there would have been a hidden timer ticking in the background across each night.
If you took too long, just before the end of Night 4, a scripted cutscene would commence where Plushie gets caught and gravely injured by Nightmare39.
Just before Night 5 begins, 39 would enter the studio to find his little friend, hanging by a thread, followed by a tear-jerking scene where Plushie would die in 39's arms.

Night 5 would continue on, without Plushie by your side, ultimately making the night more difficult.
If Plushie did survive, he would serve as a distraction to Nightmare39, making the night easier overall.
Good Ending:
Successfully putting an end to Nightmare39, 39 and Plushie would finally be back together, they would attempt to tidy up the studio, and give Sam a proper burial, next to his son.
Then it would cut to 39 and Plushie being put into a truck, that drives off into the dawning sun.
Where they were going? Who knows, that would've been up to the community to speculate what occurs after this open-ended conclusion to the series.
Bad Ending:
Successfully putting an end to Nightmare39, 39 would be left alone in the studio, with nothing left, his efforts were all for naught.
I would have ended off with 39 curled up on the floor near Sam's dead body, holding Plushie in his arms, closing his eyes, to never wake up again.
The fabric of the world around him would fall apart, until there was nothing but a dark void, with the sound of beating heart that would slowly fade out to a flatline.
Custom Night Update:
Early on, I wanted to eventually make a UCN-esque custom night featuring all characters seen across the three games, but it was deemed too ambitious, and it would have been a clusterfuck of wild mechanics that would have been more aggravating than enjoyable (like UCN itself), so the idea was scrapped at the very beginning.
An entirely different direction:
There was a time where the first 3-4 nights of the game were going to be entirely different than what I originally settled on.

I've seen this old teaser float around alot, which came from an SFM animation I made of headlights pulling up, and an unknown man reaching out to touch a catatonic 39, this would have been the CEO and founder of Fazbear Co., the same seen in Five Nights Before Freddy's 2, cementing FNW39's place in the FNBF universe officially. (No longer the case now, sorta.)

The first night would have taken inspiration from FNaF 6's salvaging mechanic, the only difference being, 39 would be kept regardless, instead of having the choice to throw him back into the alley.
39 would be put through rigarous testing and analysis so the CEO of Fazbear Co. could figure out how 39 became sentient, and developed his own personality, so he could apply them to his own animatronic characters in attempt to boost his business.
During Night 2, 39 would start to break from his catatonic state, and talk to the technician, in an attempt to ask him for help to escape and return to the Advert Studio to save Plushie.
Night 3 would have 39 attempt to escape on his own, but become stuck inside a warehouse, and the technician would be in charge of trying to disable 39 for further testing.
(I did plan on having multiple shelves and boxes around the place where 39 would peep out of.)

It didn't take long for me to scrap these ideas because it started to drift too far away from the main goal to save Plushie. (Granted, I've done this again with Impurity, but in that game it will make more sense. Sorta.)
Wesley's Appearance in FNW39:II
This was the final teaser I made before scrapping FNW39:II and moved onto Impurity.

Wesley would have taken form as 39's more evil and malevolant side, but introducing him made little to no sense to the story, so he has been reworked into an entirely different character, and the main protagonist for Impurity.
I remember having one idea of Wesley turning up to BlooBear's Pizzeria, and having a hilarious slap fight with 39, until the player would hit them both with a controlled shock.
Will Nightmare39 appear in Impurity?
He won't be appearing in the next game, to use a nightmare animatronic felt quite cliche and somewhat expected out of a major villain in a fnaf fangame, so I have another idea in mind.
Why cancel this game?
Ambition, it felt too high for just a basic point and click game, while I could have achieved it, I wanted to try something different, focus more on storytelling and atmosphere, which will be seen in Impurity.
Why announce FNW39:II, then backpedal & call Ventures FNW39:II instead?
Simple, things change, which is perfectly normal and expected in game development.
Pretty much the whole time, Five Ventures With 39 was the second game, and was always considered to be canon in my eyes, despite it looking like a spin-off.

I've never been a pro at naming my games properly, so all the confusion caused is on me, won't happen again!
What about this old timeline?
Again, things change, it felt more appropriate to close off in a trilogy rather than a quadrilogy, otherwise both games would have suffered in terms of content.
So, just pretend FNW39:II isn't part of the timeline anymore. (because it isn't!)

Will there ever be another FNW39 game in Clickteam?
In terms of a mainline game, no, but I won't completely rule out the possibility of another Clickteam game in the 39verse.
If I actually were pursue one, I would attempt to create the UCN styled game featuring all in-universe characters, as mentioned earlier.
Is Impurity going to be the final 39 game?
Yes. Unless I decide to make the UCN style project but that is incredibly unlikely.
After Impurity is finished, my intention is to be done with developing games as a whole, because I'm not cut out for it.
Wrapping up
I hope you all enjoyed reading this poorly written article, with alot of conflicting and overlapping ideas that don't make any sense.
As you can see, everything was turning into a clusterfuck of ideas that were squeezed together, and would have been pretty dumb in terms of story, but gameplay though, it did sound exciting to potentially work on.
I kindly request to not be asked again about the game, any comments in that nature will be met with a link to this article.
Cheers for reading,