Five Nights at Youkai 3 Remake

1 month ago

Five Nights at Youkai Remake is in the works! And it's the last project I'll make with CTF2.5

Five Nights at Youkai Remake

Here's a closer look at the game as of right now:


More images on the gamepage.

Major changes include:

  • 16:9 aspect ratio

  • Better graphics

  • Multiple difficulties

  • A new week (FNaY X)

My Last CTF2.5 Project

I won't be using CTF2.5 anymore. BECAUSE I'M MOOOVING TOO GOOOODOT!!!!


These past few weeks I switched completely to Godot, and it's been the best! There's no way I'll go back, EVER. I already have a ton of new projects to share, but it's better if we take it slow, one step at a time.

What Will Happen to UGN: Peppe Edition?

Short answer: Game canceled.

Long answer: I ain't coming back to Clickteam after this
Maybe it'll come back in the future, but I'll have to remake it on Godot, mf is getting the full FLaN5 experience. Maybe I'll finish the next update when I'm really bored but don't get your hopes up.



Next up

Stuff I made during February

I made a Straw page!!! There's War Thunder, catgirls, The Battle Cats and more (that's almost everything so far tho)

I also made a Linktree

Update post soon

It's that day

I found my first SFM animation from two years ago


FNaY1 Remake is moving to Godot

My second SFM """animation"""

Learning SFM, 16 hours in

It's been a while since the last time I made pixel art, what do you think? Is there anything that I could improve? Some tips from pixel artists would also be greatly appreciated