Hello everyone, sorry for updating the game so shortly after its release but this fixes many bugs and graphical glitches people were reporting :D. If you had missing settings and characters, then this is the update that will fix all that :).
Anyway, seeing how this is so short I think I should talk about my plans for this series. I origionally created this for the FrostyFourDigits(You can vote for this and other games here), where we had a month to create a small game. By working for almost 40 hours without sleep near the end, I managed to complete it decently, but many parts are unsatisfactory, at least in my opinion. Over the next few weeks I will be updating this game, improving voice acting, graphics, gameplay issues and a few others things. After that I will start working on the next 2 games in the series, which will be around the same length(A total of 1:30 of gameplay when all three are finished) and take a month each.
I already have the story planned out, and although it seemed a bit all over the place in this game, the next couple with be much more strong, with more characters and useful dialogue. There will also be much more story branching, as although this one has quite a bit(Heres a tree diagram with it all, blurry on purpose so its non spoilery):

, in the next few games there will be multiple endings(And therefor beginings to the next episode), more dialogue options(And more ways they change their behaviour towards you), and many more options :D.
Anyway, thanks for reading all this and hope to see you when I finish the next episode :)