In regards to our player character... I've tried to keep it open to player interpretation and allow you to put forth your headcanons into the game, but there are a number of dialogue options and choices you can make to enact in said player character many different forms of queerness/letters in the alphabet soup to suit your preferences, from gender to orientation and more. However, one thing that's solid about the character regardless of your choices is that he's on the asexual spectrum in some way - not labeled or even calling himself as such, since like the Flash happened in 2000 or something and asexuality awareness wasn't very forward at the time, but whatever.
This openness to interpretation is why I've chosen to describe him as generally just 'queer' since it makes such an effective umbrella term.
As for the other four...

(flags: objectum+sapphic, gender nonconforming+pan, transmasculine+achillean)
...Joey's the token cishet guy. Sorry Joey fans!