
6 years ago

Flux Caves puzzle game opened beta is finally here! Today I finished the last of the puzzles. That's the point where I say, this is the opened beta, and I commence the polishing phase.
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From now I will searching bugs, and fixing them in the next months and the plan is, how I’ll put the game on Steam around June.

Also I had to finish the ‘endgame’ which is just a few simple mechanism for the tower, and the spaceship.
The previous plans like making a level editor are depends on the user reviews and comments.

So, please download the beta, and tell me what you think! :)



Next up

Version 0.01 release notes - Ok here I've just uploaded the first version for public testing. Still, this is a work in progress version and nothing is done :D Please share you thoughts about the game!

Finally you can play through the game! Finish it first, be in the credits!

Sooo here we are! The Flux Caves puzzle game made a big step ahead from the v0.8x Beta versions to the v0.9x Early Access!

Flux Caves v0.83 is now available for Linux and Mac too!


-New AI system -Refactored control -2 new track for the OST -Better Mouse sensitivity -New gate model -Finished last 2 levels, and fixes on others -Several fixes in main menu -Booster is not infinite from now +1: you can find some test PORTALS

Finally we have a working Linux version! Hopefully it will run smoothly for everyone. :)

Updates: - Fixed menu open-close glitch - Fixed movement of homing missile, it hits finally some enemies - Minor balance in AI difficulty

Finally the game have a working save system, so now you'll get credtist after races and the profile will remain after exiting the game. Also you'll find an experimental cockpit view if you press 'C' while racing! ;)

New version from FluxCaves. In short: New level, bugfixes and counters at the cave entrances. From now you can see your best results after finishing the actual level! Click for the Update details or to Download!

Neon Wings: Air Race beta DEMO is available from Gamejolt! Also, the closed beta tests started, join us on discord:

5 new levels and a completely renewed lighting system in the fresh FluxCaves v0.71 Beta version. Download, try, and tell me how you like it! ;)