Five Nights at Freddy's: Sister Location VR
4 years ago

Fnaf: Sister Location VR Graphics Update

Hey everyone, I am releasing an update for SLVR. The main changes are Updated Graphics, Discord Presence, as well as a few bug fixes.

Graphics Update

Improved Graphics adding Point Light Shadows, Screen Space Ambient Occlusion (SSAO), Volumetric Lighting, and an updated Render Pipeline from Unity's Light-Weight Render Pipeline(LWRP) to Unity's Universal Render Pipeline(URP).

Screen Space Ambient Occlusion (SSAO) darkens creases, holes, intersections, and surfaces that are close to each other. In real life, these areas would block out any ambient light so they would appear darker.

The image on the left is what an object would look like without SSAO. The image on the right is what it would like with SSAO.


Point Lights are objects that send light out in all directions equally. Due to technological limitations, the old version of the game did not have any shadows for point lights. With the updated engine, the game can now support point lights.

The image on the left is without point light shadows while the image on the right is with point light shadows.


The final additions to graphics is Volumetric Lighting and an Updated Render Pipeline. I updated the game to support Unity's Universal Render Pipeline which helps in optimizing real-time performance as well as an updated Post Processing.

These additions have made the game feel more alive and appealing to the eyes. All future Fnaf VR projects (4, UCN, FFPS, SB: Fury's Rage) will also have the same level of graphics.

A before and after of Circus Control with updated graphics.


Discord Presence

A small but very cool feature is Discord's Rich Presence. When playing the game, if you use Discord, your friend's will be able to see your status in the game such as what level you are in as well as what you are doing such as crawling through vents or hanging out in the Primary Control Module.


Bug Fixes/Changes:

  • Fixed misalignment with hands when calibrating

  • Fixed bug where Hand Unit's voice is 3D when holstered.

  • Increased Funtime Freddy's Jaw Button Collider

  • Decreased Night 4 Spring lock minigame time from 2 minutes to 1 minute 45 seconds.

  • Lowered the percent to get the Baby minigame on death from 20% to 10%

  • Changed textures/materials for certain objects such as floors and pipes.

  • Fixed bug with True Ending Credits

  • Changed Baby's Keypad in Night 5 to have more space.

  • Small quality of life/lighting consistency


That's all for this update. I will be starting development on a remake of FFPS VR as well as Security Breach: Fury's Rage VR. This will most likely be the final update for the game unless any major game-breaking bugs are found.

If you find any issues please let me know in the Discord Server. Also no this game won't have Non-VR.



Next up

Five Nights at Freddy's: Sister Location VR - Oculus Quest Release

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