Five Nights at Sonic's: ROBOTICIZED

1 year ago

FNaS fan direct x FNaS ROBOTICIZED

Yep! We got into the Direct, huge thanks to @FNaSonics_fangamedirect for letting us join!

In honor of this announcement, I'm gonna share a few of the concept designs for the cast of roboticized later! Along with some "references" if you can call them that.




Next up

Very Cool thing (Trophies!)

Proto Sonic design by @virus65 . Proto Tails is currently in progress.

If gamepage gets to 20 followers i'll reveal a new Golden, comment a random date and whatever date is chosen will get revealed (if it exists)

Here are the offical concept designs and the refs I mentioned earlier

Concept for 2 + Withered Sonic and our OFFICAL RETURN!!!

You! Yes you, the one on the other side of this screen! "You gotta help us!" -Luigi

Proto Tails by @virus65 !

All the character designs are done now!

The voices are getting louder Anyway have your FNaS slop + some important things

ik I said you'd get stuff last week but I am dying w/ the flu currently so it took a while, anyway this is '15, he'll probably get redrawn since this is an old ref but he should remain relatively the same