FNaS Collection PLUS

1 month ago

The voices are getting louder
Anyway have your FNaS slop + some important things

First and foremost, the important junk. I won't bore you with too many details since it's 12 in the morning rn but here

  1. 2+ page is getting archived and the game itself will be moved here

  2. This page will turn into the page for the collection

    (Now I know I know, "ANOTHER FNaS collection? I can't wait for it to be cancelled!" Which is a reasonable reaction but I've had this idea for years and I'm not content on giving up since this series is like a child to me)

  3. 2 Demos will release, the first with FNaS 1 and 2+, the second with 2 original games and the first 3 episodes of a side project that will be bundled with it

  4. The side project in question being a series called RockClones Z, which is this series' version of RockClones in the style of Dragon Ball Z. Though this isn't canon as it takes place after the game finale's Bad Ending. (Don't worry, it won't just be "DBZ but with FNaS")

    I think that's all the important shit, i'll update this if need be. Anywho here's your slop


Extras Screenshots, all of which I will leave up to debate on what is what and who is who. (Shadow Tails was supposed to have a Tails robot too but I couldn't find a design that made sense so pretend a small mecha tails is there ok? Thanks.)

Yeah that's it





Next up

Very Cool thing (Trophies!)

Proto Sonic design by @virus65 . Proto Tails is currently in progress.

If gamepage gets to 20 followers i'll reveal a new Golden, comment a random date and whatever date is chosen will get revealed (if it exists)

Happy 10th Anniversary, Five Nights at Sonic's 🥳 🎉

FNaS means so much for other people despite it's quality, I feel like it should be treated with celebration just like the other parody games. This is a repost for other communities #FanArtFriday

Woah, 40 followers already, that was uhhh, pretty fast. Anyways The new Golden is......

three days later oops! thanks for nearly 3k followers tho and hopefully fnas vs will also come soon

ik I said you'd get stuff last week but I am dying w/ the flu currently so it took a while, anyway this is '15, he'll probably get redrawn since this is an old ref but he should remain relatively the same

Happy 10 years of Five Nights at Sonic’s

Also announcing that '16 Golden and TRTS Shadow Sonic will be featured in the Roster (Shadow Sonic will be a skin for normal Shadow Sonic, both Owned by @SherryZMax )