It's about time that Timeshift got a devlog. Seriously this game has been out for 8 months at this point without a single devlog. Anyway, I'm gonna get right into it with the Devlog today.
How is the game going so far?
Well, very well actually. If you've been following the posts I've made across the past week and a bit, I've been posting some progress on the game including the new stress mehcanic.
The Stress Mechanic was added to ensure you're not stuck in the same rooms over and over again. Over the course of the night, the stress meter will go down and the way you bring your stress meter back up is by using the music box in the Attic.
New Layout
Yep, the layout of the building has changed quite a bit. This was mainly because you were in a loop around the bottom of the café in version 1.0. The Attic is now connected to the Lounge and the Basement is now in the bottom section of the Café.
Currently, 60% of the characters are coded in AKA Wario, Peach and Waluigi. The only character whose mechanic has changed is Peach.
It works pretty similar to Version 1.0, find her and use a certain thing. However, in 2.0, Peach will instead appear a random room, not on the cameras. You will have to find her in the building and use the shock button that appears in front of her.
Cpybz Tvkl
Zbywypzl! Fvb wyvihisf qbza zll aopz hz h ibujo vm Tbtiv Qbtiv, iba doha fh wyvihisf kvu'a ruvd aoha fvb ullk av bzl h Jhlzhy Jpwoly av kljvkl aopz!
Hufdhf, flz, aolyl pz nvpun av il h zljvukhyf tvkl av Aptl Zopma. Jhu fh nblzz doha paz nvuuh il hivba? Paz nvuuh il hivba aol cpybz vm jvbyzl. Iba fvb dvu'a ruvd aoha buslzz zvtlvul pz zthya luvbno av kljpwoly aopz.
Anyway. Thats All I have for today I believe. A lot shorter of a devlog but thats mainly because of the Game being shorter than MMT.
Have a great day!
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