for the people following this game, I'd really appreciate it if you followed my newest game.
Next up
Thought it would be fun to redo an old FNaS 5 Fan Game teaser in the HD Edition style
guys I made purple sonic less mid (Old design on the left hand side, new design on the right hand side)
also he's heavily based off of @Jayiscool 's design of him, go check him out he's g o o d
New thumbnail
(first image is new, second image is old)
welcome to this fan group I guess..
Sorry for being silent on progress for some time, here is a W.I.P of the office. I also overhauled the description, once I make the header the game page will look complete!
Crytopophobia: The 4 Section Preview.
learning how to use the undertale mod tool
On this day 2 years ago, Five Nights at Sonic's T.E.G 60 Years Later was supposed to release!
Yeah that's really all I have to say lol
is that like... a tv man reference...